Sunday, December 8, 2013

Join Me

Good afternoon my friends.

Is it just me, or is there something melancholy about the holiday season? I don't mean to be a Grinch, but I can't ignore the slightly hollow feeling in my heart that comes at this time of year. I think it comes from living in a fallen world. It makes me sad watching commercials about spreading holiday cheer. Why? Because I wish our society recognized the importance of loving each other at all times of the year and not just at Christmas. I wish the myth of Santa didn't exist. I wish the birth of our Lord in a manger was as celebrated as the presents under the trees on Christmas morning.

I don't want Christmas to be about new outfits, holiday parties, or vacation time.  Do I dress up in new clothes in order to celebrate Jesus? No, I dress up to look good in front of my friends and family. Do I buy presents for people in order to celebrate Jesus? No, I buy presents for people because it is a tradition. So many things I do at this time of year don't have anything to do with Jesus. That is what makes me sad.

Church is often an afterthought during this busy time. Why do I let it get that way? How could I possibly forget the reason this holiday began? How can I celebrate Jesus when I am pigging out on festive treats and worrying about travel plans?

I'm sick of this melancholy shadow following me around during Christmastime. How do I get rid of it? Perhaps I will try something different. Maybe I will make an extra effort to communicate with my Father. Maybe if I focus on Him, I will be able to turn away from the commercial Christmas that jumps out at me from every billboard and storefront. Maybe God will embrace me and reintroduce me to the joy of His son. I am praying for the strength and the wisdom to follow Him. Join me?


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