Monday, December 2, 2013


Do you ever wake up and feel like you have the word "Grumpus" stamped on your forehead? This morning I woke up feeling like a total grump. I did not sleep well, my puppy is at Camp Grandma, and I'm back on my diet. On days like today, things that should make me happy make me furious instead. After sitting in my 12:15 classroom for ten minutes I found out that the class was canceled. I was not joyous; I was pissed. I bothered to haul myself out of my cozy room, make coffee, drive to school, walk to the building and then they tell me that class is canceled? Ugh.

I really don't like being grumpy. This stems mostly from the fact that I can't stand grumpy people and I would not like to add myself to the proliferating group of them that plague the Earth. (Side note: Literally every time I type the word "plague" I type "plaque" instead. Does this problem plaque anyone else?) 

Normally I smile when I make eye contact with someone, but that was not the case this morning. A few minutes into my walk to school I noticed that my brow was deeply furrowed and I was grinding my teeth. Yikes. I hope I didn't scare anyone. Why is it that some days we wake up under a dark cloud? What can I do to shorten the length of my grumpus mood?

When I woke up this morning at an unfortunately early hour, I decided to go work out at the gym. As Elle Woods says, "Endorphins make you happy! And happy people don't kill their husbands. They just don't." I was hoping that working out would help me get out from under the black cloud. As of right now, I'm still pretty ornery, but maybe if I hadn't exercised I would be so grumpy that I couldn't focus on writing a blog post. I suppose I'll never know.

I guess this is just one of those days I have to make it through to be able to wake up tomorrow with a smile on my face. My therapist always assured me that no one lives without a good portion of down days. I'd be pretty annoying if I was always chipper. I'm praying that today I can keep my grumpy feelings to myself and not inflict any black clouds on anyone else. Hopefully my little black cloud will rain on my parade in order to make some flowers grow tomorrow. Wouldn't that be nice?



  1. I love your 'plaque' comment. I very often mess those two letters up when I type as well.
