Sunday, December 15, 2013


Good morning my friends.

Do you ever feel like your life is insignificant? Like what you have done, what you do, and what you're planning to do, don't seem to be important in the grand scheme of things? I do.

I've been alive for almost 24 years. Seven of those years I've been an "adult." What have I accomplished? What have I done? I completed two years of vocal performance training in college, earned an Associates degree in the culinary arts, traveled to Germany and Austria for an opera program, and... is that it? Aside from overcoming some health issues, what I have accomplished seems rather self-centered. Maybe I'm being too tough on myself, but my goodness, when am I going to help other people? When am I going to fight for my country or speak for those who can't speak for themselves?

I just started at a new college in order to earn a Bachelor's degree in Chemistry and a minor in German. This will take years to complete. Once those years are over I will be close to 30 years old. Then what? Will I finally adjust the focus of my life to help others?

It's hard sometimes waiting. It's hard living through the boring days to eventually live more meaningful days. I know it's important to have a college degree, but today it seems like I'm wasting time. I pray God works through me to further His work even though I may not feel or see his power in me. I pray the same for you.


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