Thursday, December 5, 2013


Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

Do you remember when I wrote about that job interview that went really well? I'm going to assume you do remember so that I don't have to retell that story. Anyways, I got a call this morning from my interviewer (weeks after he said to expect a call...) and he asked me to come in to start filling out paperwork for employment if I was still interested. On the phone I was all, "Yes sir, I am still very interested in that position, thank you." After I hung up the phone I was all, "YYYYYEEEESSSSSS FINALYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" I was starting to think that they had found someone better suited for the job. I'm so glad that wasn't the case.

Although I'm really, really excited, I acknowledge the fact that there is still time and many an opportunity for this job to not work out. That's life. But boy am I looking forward to maybe making bank.

On Monday I'm meeting with the interviewer and hopefully I'll be learning a bit more about the job and what will be expected of me. This weekend will be a time of celebration. Tomorrow I get to visit the Christkindlmarkt in Chicago, at which I plan on purchasing Glühwein, a beer stein, and lots of German snacks. Saturday I get to drive home to pick up my tiny, fluffy puppy! I have missed him intensely. It's high time he and I are reunited (we belong together).

I hope that sometime soon you will get to have a celebration weekend. They are few and far between, but they are exceptionally glorious. I pray that God hears your voice lifted up to Him and answers your cries for help. He has extraordinary riches to bestow upon all of us. May our eyes be opened to the love and many treasures He has given us already.

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your job call back! I am very excited for you :) Buy some good snacks and snuggle your puppy when he returns. You deserve it! <3
