Thursday, November 21, 2013


Selflessness is incredible. Incredible to behold, and incredibly hard to live out. Merriam-Webster describes "incredible" in these terms: "difficult, or impossible to believe. Extremely good, great, or large." Personally, it feels like being selfless is pretty close to impossible most of the time. Does it seem that way to you?

At my Middle City church, we just began the Christmas sermon series, entitled "Selfless." Although the series has just begun, I already feel extremely challenged by the message. Maybe it is a function of being inherently selfish, but I feel like being a twenty-something is like living in Selfish City. My twenties thus far have been swamped with questions like, "When are you going to get married? When are you going to choose a career? When are you going to settle down?" I will freely admit that I ask myself these questions more than I have them posed to me by others.

I want to grow up. I want to feel secure in a job that I love and make enough money to comfortably enjoy my life. I want to marry a God-loving man who will adventure through the trials and joys of life with me. This list could go on, but I need to stop there. Those "I want" statements contradict the selfless life that Jesus calls us to. Just re-reading those sentences makes me feel slightly sheepish. What about what Jesus wants? What about all of His people that are struggling? What about the people that haven't heard about His incredible love?

There is an enormous gap between my selfish lifestyle and the selfless lifestyle that Jesus modeled. I know I am human and I blunder constantly, but whoa now. Where have I been? Why did I miss the selfless train? Where can I buy my ticket? Is there room in the train for my dog??

Seriously though, I need to not only examine my selfish life, but change a part of it this Christmas season. I want to make a change that makes God smile extra big. This weekend I will be praying especially for God to open our eyes to the part of our lives that we need to remodel. I pray that He gives us the strength and wisdom to change. Boy do I need His help with this one.

I hope the selfless train is ready for another passenger (and a dog).


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