Sunday, November 10, 2013


Greetings friends.

My pseudo-name is Charlotte Papillon and I would like to share with you my insights, questions, and thoughts about life in a middle sized city. Sounds exhilirating, no? I'll warn you now that my sense of humor is about as dry as a cracker without any cheese or spread to soften it. Take it as you will.

I love writing, but only when it does not involve a confusing thesis and a minimum word count. In those cases, my enjoyment ceases to exist and I get very surly and trite. I'm glad I won't have to share that with you, for it is an ugly thing.

I recently moved from a small city in Michigan to a middle sized city in Michigan. The changes are many in number, and some are dire. Mostly though, life continues to be a blessing as it unfolds day by day. Journeying with me through this middle city I now call home is my 1 year old dog named Tank. That's him in the picture. He's a nut. We both love to snuggle and agree that loud noises are truly frightening.

Tank and I would like to invite you to embark on this blogging journey with us. Will you walk with us as we brave another Michigan winter and prepare for another rip roaring holiday season? I sincerely hope so.

Let the new week commence!


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