Monday, November 18, 2013


 Some days words come easily to me, but today is a different story. I think 70% of the time I can explain what goes on in my head with pretty clear wording, but the other 30% is just a swirling vortex of emotions, questions, and blank stares. Maybe that 30% is where the Holy Spirit speaks to me. Maybe the Spirit uses my catatonic state to speak to my heart. Maybe.

The majority of the time I have so many sentences forming in my brain that I'm pretty sure I could have a short conversation with each human on earth and still be left with unspoken thoughts. This super verbal part of me loves to talk to other people, text them, and leave them excessively detailed notes on the kitchen table to make sure they understand exactly what I'm trying to tell them.

The 30% side of me is quite different. A defining characteristic of a "30%" moment is the blank stare. Do you ever find yourself fixated on something in front of you and you feel like if you take your eyes off of it some sort of spell will be broken? Sometimes I'll be staring at a chair or something when someone walks in front of it and temporarily breaks my trance. I've noticed myself once or twice trying to squint to see through them to the chair that previously held my gaze, trying to re-enter the trance. My family and friends have informed me that I look like a crazy loon when I zone out, but since it only happens 30% of the time, I don't worry about it.

It's always awkward when I have a 30% moment with a new acquaintance. They typically have only seen the smiley, blabbing 70% side, so when I fail to come up with opinionated, slightly sassy chatter, things get a little weird. Those who know me are aware that my 30% days or moments have very little to do with the people around me, but those new to my zombie stares have to be assured that I am not actually mad or upset with them. I'm usually just living out the introverted, blue-tinted side of my personality. 

Do you have a combination personality similar to what I described above? My guess is that most of us do, although it may take some oversimplification to get an easy to use ratio percentage. I think it would be interesting to get feedback from readers as to what their self-determined personality ratio is. There are many more categories than the two I mentioned, of course. Hearing a person describe himself/herself is usually quite eye-opening. Only God knows you better than you know yourself. I bet if He charted our personalities in a similar way, the results would be quite fascinating.

Long live our quirky differences!



  1. My ratio is about 30% in the present and 70% in my head. Fortunately I am alone about 70% of the time, so it works for me.
