Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Like An Awkward Pigeon

Two posts in one day? Why, yes I will! I have good news regarding the interview I had earlier today. It went quite smoothly and my interviewer told me to expect a call next week for a second interview. I practically had to pick my jaw up off of the floor. It seems like lately I have not been in the right spot at the right time when it comes to finding a job. I was prepared for him to glance at my resume, ask about my greatest personal weakness, and dismiss me with a tired sigh. I was wrong.

While I was sitting in a chair waiting to be summoned into the interview room, I awkwardly shuffled my papers in my hands. After crossing and uncrossing my legs five times, I realized that I hadn't given one thought to the three things I was supposed to be focusing on to lessen the anxiety of this scary situation. I squinted out the window as I tried to recall all three: 1) breathe, 2) ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and 3) smile. I was so proud of myself for remembering all three that I grinned absentmindedly at the woman sitting across from me. Thankfully she was too busy looking bored to notice. I quickly offered up a prayer for the Holy Spirit to guide me.

In two shakes of a lamb's tail I was sitting down in front of my interviewer and experiencing the most pleasant interview I could ever imagine. He did not grill me, but instead praised me for being both ServSafe and TIPS certified. He loved that I had a culinary background and he told me to expect a call next week for a second interview. It was over in a flash. I shook his hand and strode back to the lobby area. Not knowing if there was anything else I had to do, I stood in the lobby like a confused pigeon for half a second, then huffed out the door.

Who knows if I actually will get a call or not. A second interview would mean a lot to me. However if I don't get a call, the look on my therapist's face when I tell her the story of my successful anti-anxiety strategy will be quite a good consolation prize. (Note: it took me ten minutes to remember the phrase "consolation prize." No joke.)

Thank you all for your prayers. I felt Jesus leading me through the interview today. His calming presence was definitely overshadowing my fear.

Thank the Lord for the Holy Spirit!



  1. Dear Charlotte,
    I just wanted to let you know that there is someone out there that reads your blog posts every day. I look forward to your insights on life. I am happy to hear that your interview went well. My thoughts and prayers are with you along the way. :)
