Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Piano Master

Good evening!

It seems that at some point in the last year, my brother has transformed into a piano master. He has devoted his life to his craft and has achieved great successes. Today I had the pleasure of attending a recital he performed. It was captivating.

He and the piano belong together. They are two parts of one unit, and it is obvious to anyone that watches him play that the combination of the two is magical. He opens up his mind and his soul to the music and we are in turn treated to a glimpse of his genius. It is strange to think that I'm his sister. It's also strange to remember the times growing up when I wanted to wring his neck. I will always be grateful to our parents for impressing upon the kids in my family the extreme importance of maintaining friendships with each other. There were trying times growing up of course, but now that we are adults, I know that I can always count on my brother and sister for pretty much anything.

There were times during his recital that I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. I am so proud of him. Although he might not know it, he has given me a second chance to connect with classical music. After a short stint studying voice I realized that I wasn't meant to exist in the music world. The stress, anxiety, unpredictability, and viciousness of classical singing is astounding. My battle with music left traumatic scars on my heart and shook my sense of stability. Thankfully, I turned my back on that destructive path and started a new journey, marked by healing.

Needless to say, it has taken me quite some time to even be able to listen to classical music, let alone enjoy it. My brother's love for piano has gifted me with the ability to love music again. I see the peace with which he performs and it gives me hope. Maybe I can try to sing again. Maybe watching him perform has given me the courage to start singing lessons again. Maybe he has no idea that he has made this huge impact on my life today. Don't worry, he'll read this post and then he will begin to understand.

I hope that one of these days you have an undeniable God-moment like I had today during my brother's recital. I pray that you will see God's great works and smile. We are so blessed.


1 comment:

  1. Well said Charlotte! David's recital was truly amazing....and so are you! looking forward to hearing your voice again soon.
