Monday, November 11, 2013


Guten Morgen!

It's another Monday morning in paradise (read: cold/rainy/dark/gloom). Although gloomy days are not my personal favorite they do seem to offer a wondrous opportunity to snuggle, if you are given the opportunity. This morning I made a fancy chocolate coffee concoction and I swear it tasted better just because it's so yucky outside. Sometimes the gloom tries to dictate my mood, and I don't appreciate that. Starting the day with a hot caffeinated beverage helps me to retain whatever positive thoughts I had about the coming hours upon waking.

I do not subscribe to the belief that caffeine is necessary to function properly. I'm pretty sure that the comfort I draw from drinking one cup of coffee per morning is almost purely psychological. It's fun though to have a little morning routine. My routine usually goes like this:

1. Get out of bed (quite difficult).
2. Bundle up in warm clothes to imitate the warmth of my bed (only difficult if clothes are dirty).
3. Take Tank outside to do his business (never fun, but quite necessary).
4. Brew coffee (difficulty level is void due to the amazing smell of fresh coffee).
5. Brush Tank and reward his tolerance with shredded Mozzarella (he loves this part).
6. Sip coffee, read daily devotional, and browse the interweb (the best part of the morning).

When I say that it's "fun" to have a morning routine, what I really mean to say is that I would be utterly lost without it. I literally would not get out of bed until the very last minute if I didn't have a schedule to follow. Sometimes that extra rest is necessary, but I tend to sleep a whole lot, so I don't get to use that excuse.

I hope that your Monday goes well and that you find a couple minutes to do something cozy.

Long live the coze!


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