Thursday, November 14, 2013


Guten Morgen lovely people.

Do you like reading an actual newspaper that you can hold in your hands and snap open with a flick of the wrist? I most certainly do. Reading the paper has become a rare and glorious pleasure for me. Being a student, I tend to move around like a semi-nomad to different domiciles with large times of absence for school holidays. This, unfortunately, prevents me from getting a subscription to a paper. These days I read most of the news online, but boy do I love getting a real newspaper in my hands.

Yesterday I got my paws on a copy of the Grand Rapids Press and found that I could not put it down. Reading a paper is more like reading a book than reading the news online. Online you quickly scan the list of headlines and click on the ones that jump out at you. When I read the paper I tend to move through it methodically, giving each story some attention. Reading this way takes longer, but that's the joy of it. A cup of coffee and good paper are all I need for a morning or evening's worth of amusement.

And did I mention the smell? The smell of a freshly opened paper is unlike any other. Opening it is like opening a present full of current events, puzzles, and interesting editorials. When someone bothers to write a story for the news, the least we can do is read it, right? Right.

I hope some day soon I will be able to buy a subscription to some papers and have them delivered to my home. When that day comes I will have to adjust my schedule significantly due to the beautifully distracting paper gifts that arrive in my mailbox.

Huzzah for the paper!


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