Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Good evening folks!

I have missed posting to this portal of the internet! Life's been busy, busy, busy. Even now I opened my laptop to do a German blog for my class, but ended up here instead. Tank's making complaining noises because I'm up later than usual. We're usually in bed with the light off by 10pm. He's licking peanut butter out of his Kong right next to my pillow... Kinda gross.

How are you? Are you fed up with this never-ending winter? I'm doing well, and I am indeed tired of winter. Waking up to see the grass coated with yet another blanket of snow is disheartening to say the least. It takes a special kind of person to live and thrive in Michigan. I might not be that kind of person.

I finished a trio of romance novels tonight and now my pretty realistic view of a romantic relationship has been blown away by unrealistic story circumstances. Gigantic, ever-blooming gardens, great big houses passed down through a hopelessly beautiful family, etc. The Lord knows what my story is and will be, and I suppose that's going to have to be good enough.

I really should write my German blog now. I'll do my best to check back in with you all soon. Have a lovely week my friends.


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