Friday, February 21, 2014


Good morning!

How do you do? I'm good. It is SO blustery outside today in the Middle City. Makes a girl want to just stay inside and play with her puppy!

So, my bedroom is in the basement. The basement has thick carpeting, as do the stairs leading down from the ground floor. It's been proven, multiple heart-stopping times, that it is impossible for me to hear someone approaching my room. Last night I was sitting on the edge of my bed preparing to go to sleep when my aunt suddenly appeared in the doorway. My heart stopped in a big way. I think I jumped up about a foot into the air. Even Tank was surprised by her presence, which is funny considering the massive size of his ears. She had come down to see how my day had gone and to give me a beautiful mini crocus in a pink pot. Let it be known that good things tend to come as a surprise. For me at least.

I just learned what the German word for grapes is: "Weintrauben." I brought some Weintrauben down to my room to eat this morning but I am stuck in a peanut butter scented cloud of air, created by Tank's fervent attempts at cleaning out his Kong toy. There could be worse smells I guess. By the by, I sort of love tiny potted plants. For a long time I was afraid to buy them because I was worried that I'd kill them through a lack of attention to their needs. My first purchase was a beautiful little Ice Cube Orchid that is bright magenta with yellow stripes. It's called an Ice Cube Orchid because they've determined that placing a couple ice cubes on the soil will result in a slow watering process that the little orchids love. The sticker on the pot also said that these orchids love cooler temperatures, which is lovely seeing as how I currently reside in the semi-tundra.

Last night I cooked a gigantic batch of vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free (!) vegetable soup as a volunteer venture. I made the soup at the hotel-like venue and was serenaded by a man who could play guitar like a genius. He eventually told me his story and I won't bore you with the details, but this man's optimism and determination to bring joy to others, despite his grim afflictions, was outstanding. As I headed home after cleaning up the meal I noticed that my face hurt from smiling. Not a bad thing. I also went to bed at 8:30 last night, which is also not a bad thing. I love sleeping. It's so cozy.

As I'm sure you've noticed, today's post is slightly disjointed, but that's the beautiful thing about a blog. I don't have a professor circling like a hawk and squawking about continuity. Call me crazy, but sometimes I prefer disjointed to overly-worked writing.

I hope you have a lovely Friday and perhaps buy a tiny potted orchid to keep you company.


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