Friday, January 3, 2014


Good evening friends.

I apologize for the lack of posts lately. I won't give reasons or excuses because who really wants to hear those? The important thing is that I'm here, writing to you. I have returned to the Middle City from my trip home for the holidays. It's good to be back, but I miss my family immensely. I hope your Christmas was love-filled.

I came back here in order to begin training for my new job before the next semester starts. It looks like I have a few more days to wait until my first scheduled shift so I'm going to be busy trying to keep busy. Although it is nice not having a job or school to worry about for a couple days more, I will admit that I'm not good at filling empty days. I'll be praying for guidance as to what I should do, because goodness knows I can't even amuse myself for 10 minutes.

Today I was searching for my passport and social security card in order to make copies of them and submit them to my employer. I tend to lose important/expensive items and thus my Mom has affectionately dubbed me, "A Loser." Aware of my shortcomings, I constantly try to put important things in a place that I will remember. I knew my passport, social security card, and surplus checkbooks were all hiding in one spot together, because I'm a genius and I pile all the important stuff in the same place so that when I lose one thing, I lose all the other things as well.

I knew my passport was somewhere in the Middle City. I was sure of it. I've only lived in two places here and I turned each place inside out looking for it. It was nowhere to be found. After searching through my purse all over again I decided that it was high time I called my mom to complain. I knew for a fact that she had no vital information regarding my personal affects, but there is something strangely comforting about complaining to my mother. I explained my misery and she in turn said that my sad tale made her want to call someone else to complain to them. That made me laugh. I still had no social security card or passport though.

I have been obsessively watching the old TV show "The Closer" and I've noticed that Detective Johnson has a certain look that comes over her face when she unlocks the mystery of a certain crime case. Earlier today I was praying that God would give me that moment of understanding regarding the whereabouts of my stuff. After I hung up the phone with Mom, I was blessed with that moment. I remembered that I had surplus storage in an obscure upstairs room at my last residence that I had yet to completely move out of. I rushed over and was utterly relieved to find my passport with my security card tucked inside.

When losing stuff feels like your job, having an important find like this is a BIG DEAL. I felt like alerting all the world leaders to organize a day of feasting and celebration! Thank the Lord I found everything.

I realized that I hardly ever pray to ask God help me find something I've lost. I have always wanted to avoid becoming someone who fails to talk to Jesus daily, but is quick to ask for His help when it's needed. I think somehow I manipulated that idea in my mind to make me feel like I shouldn't ask for His help when I need it, regardless of the circumstances. Just because I don't want Him to think I'm using Him. Good gracious. It sounds ridiculous when I write it all down, but it's true.

I'm going to pray tonight that we use the strength and intelligence God gives us to seek Him first. I will pray that anyone else who feels the same way as I do ,will no longer balk at asking for help, but will turn to Him daily and accept His comfort.


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