Monday, January 27, 2014


Good morning my friends.

How are you doing on this frigid day? Tank and I are still snuggled in bed due to a 2 hour delay at school. Although I realize that little delays like this set our academic schedules aflutter, the luxury of staying cozy for a little bit longer is always a wonderful blessing. As I'm sure you've already guessed, I am kind of obsessed with animals. Perhaps this obsession has resulted in my desire to lounge in bed all day like my feline and K-9 friends. They just look so cozy!

A couple days ago Tank was down for the count with a cold. He wasn't interested in eating any of the tempting snacks I created for him. The most alarming thing that happens when he is sick is that he stays in my bed and doesn't follow me around. I'm used to hearing his jingling collar behind me after every step, and it was slightly spooky when he stayed behind in my room all day. I felt terrible running errands while he laid in bed feeling miserable. I can only imagine how it will affect me when I have a sick child one day....

Tank's cold only lasted one day, thankfully, and now he's back to his crazy self. For being such a tiny little guy, he certainly enjoys romping up large snow hills and forging paths in epic snowdrifts. Yesterday he attempted to climb a steep snowy incline to no avail. His little legs were jumping in the snow but he didn't move an inch. After laughing at his expense for a moment, I picked him up and tossed him to the top of the hill. He looked so proud of his accomplishment. What a nut.

I've realized that, as a dog-loving introvert, my greatest plans for the weekend involve never leaving the house. I absolutely love spending days with Tank, working on homework, and making my cozy room even cozier. Compared to my immediate family, I'm kind of an extrovert. Compared to most people in the outside world, I'm a mole. I'm really grateful that it doesn't take much to make my weekends enjoyable.

On the other hand, the social side of me (miniscule as it may be) sometimes protests my hermit activities. Seeing as how I don't have an excess of readily available friends in the Middle City, I usually have to stifle the protests. I believe I will make real friendships here eventually. Right now though, I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for kindred spirits. I pray that you too, will run into somebody that strikes a chord of previously unsung harmony with you. There's a symphony of harmonies and melodies out there, all written by our Heavenly Father. Let's discover them.



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