Saturday, February 15, 2014


Good morning my friends.

Oh how I miss the days when I could write a blog post every morning! I'm grateful for having a part-time job, but right now it's kicking my rear. It just so happens that I'm neither a morning nor a night person, so no matter what shift I am assigned, I am slightly tired and confused. Those two characteristics are not very helpful when your job requires sharp focus, recall, and great customer service. I try my best every shift, but some days it feels like I flounder for 8 hours straight. Oy.

Aside from the challenging aspects of my relatively new job, life is going pretty well. I can't wait for springtime so that Tank and I can join a nearby "exclusive" dog park that has 14 fenced in acres of trails and places to play. The park even has a coffee bar, outdoor music and drinks in the summer, and a snazzy bathing room to clean up your dirty puppy post playtime. I'm unreasonably excited about joining. Winter is boring for Tank, and I can't wait to plan some fun, romping time for him! He can only manage 10 minute walks when the temperatures are around freezing because he's too tiny to endure the chill.

Last night as I was falling asleep I developed an insane craving for delicious, fresh sushi. For lunch I'm going to do something I don't do very often: buy myself as much sushi as I can stuff in my face. If I can do it inconspicuously I'll take pictures of the rolls I order and post them in my next blog. If not, detailed descriptions will just have to do! I don't know if you like sushi, but for me, eating good sushi is a restorative experience.

I'm so grateful for days off, aren't you? I pray that you get a day off soon, so that you can take a step away from whatever is draining you right now. Do something to restore your heart. If you like sushi, order a couple rolls for me.

Love you all,

PS Remember when I said I was going to post unattractive pictures of myself? Here goes nothing:

1 comment:

  1. OOOargh!!!! I ruhmember yer giant Hawaii backpack!!!!!
